“Salads of tuyoor shalwa Restaurant”
“Salads of tuyoor shalwa Restaurant”
“Salads of tuyoor shalwa Restaurant”
“Salads of tuyoor shalwa Restaurant”
“Salads of tuyoor shalwa Restaurant”
“Salads of tuyoor shalwa Restaurant”

Here’s a complete list of salads that you might find in tuyoor shalwa” restaurant or similar Gulf and Arabic cuisine restaurants:

Tomato and Onion Salad: A mix of freshly chopped tomatoes and finely chopped onions, dressed with olive oil and lemon.

Arugula and Tomato Salad: Fresh arugula with sliced tomatoes, dressed with olive oil and seasoned with black pepper and salt.

Mixed Bean Salad: A blend of beans like white or black beans with chopped vegetables, dressed with olive oil and lemon juice.

Beetroot Salad: Boiled beetroot, cut into cubes, combined with white cheese (like feta), and dressed with oil and vinegar.

Spicy Potato Salad: Boiled potatoes with tomatoes, chili peppers, and onions, mixed with a tangy hot vinegar sauce.

Tahini Yogurt Salad: A mix of tahini with yogurt, garlic, and lemon juice, garnished with chopped parsley.

Nut Salad: A combination of roasted nuts such as almonds, walnuts, and pistachios with fresh greens like arugula or lettuce.

Cucumber Yogurt Salad: Chopped cucumber with yogurt, garlic, and a touch of mint.

Russian Salad: Made with boiled potatoes, boiled carrots, peas, mayonnaise, and pickles (such as pickled cucumbers). Sometimes boiled chicken or meat is added. All ingredients are mixed with mayonnaise and simple seasonings like salt and pepper.

Corn Salad: Made with boiled corn kernels, chopped cucumber, chopped tomatoes, and sometimes green beans or bell peppers. It’s dressed with mayonnaise or yogurt sauce with lemon juice, and seasoned with salt and black pepper.

All of these salads are light, delicious, and often served as side dishes, adding fresh and healthy flavors to any meal.

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